Monday, February 2, 2009


In 1946 Freire was honored with the appointment of becoming the Director of the Department of Education and Culture of the Social Service in the State of Pernambuco. In Pernambuco Freire worked with those who could not read nor afford schooling. At this school Freire began to take on a non-orthodox form, which in many ways could be considered liberation theology. Freire took it upon himself to help educate these people know that in Brazil at the time, literacy was a major requirement when it come to voting in the presidential election.

Nonetheless, in 1964, the military coup somehow found a way to put an end to all of Friere's effort. With this Freire was imprisoned as a traitor to the country; he spent 70 days in jail. Later, Freire was exiled to Bolivia. Soon Freire was working in Chile, for the Christian Democratic Agrarian Reform Movement as well as for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. All of this work moved Freire to publish his first book entitled, Education as the Practice of Freedom. Freire later published his second book Pedagogy of the oppressed, which was published in Portuguese in 1968.

Freire stated on his own account that was just a mediocre law student, mainly because more interested in the philosophical and sociological foundations of education than in the law. Even so, Freire obtained a degree in law and went on the try and practice his profession. Freire stated that he left the profession because of the stress and tiresomeness of trying to defend guilty people.

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