Saturday, February 7, 2009


1. Joeny- We are both Scorpios and she lives all kind of music, everything but country that is. In reading Joeny's response to Mr. Freire, I enjoyed how she mentioned that when he was exiled from Brazil he continued his work towards education. He did not let his hardship get in the way of his goals. I loved how she mentioned that, it just goes tos how how determined this man really was.

I also liked her statement that Freire not only wanted to help the uneducated but he also wanted to help the educated as well. He believed that teachers were oppressing their students by imposing their views on them and not letting them exercise their creative sides. This statment was so powerful. This man fought for so many things, and to help educate so many people.

2. William- Unlike me, he was not much in to Obama's innaguration. He also works for PC. In reading William's response to Freire I learned that Freire was considered a man of great importance. One important aspect of his life was his 'literacy training', in fact he was considered a literacy pioneer. William also mentiones that Freire believed that everyone should be able to read. A school opened in 2005 in Tuscon Arizona, honoring Freire with its name, The Paulo Freire Freedom School. Freire believed education was freedom, and he believed in education of the world, not just education of the word.

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