Monday, April 13, 2009


El Cantico Del Alba :

I chose this piece of music, which could also be considered a poem, because it was one of the unique works of art that was produce in the missions over two- hundred years ago. I thought the music was very unique to the folk music we have today. The music was soft and peaceful; it in many ways took me back to the times of the early missions.

The piece of music seems to have some folk element to it. The music is soft, but quick and up lifting. There are no strong drum sounds or anything over bearing. It seems as if some two hundred years ago, all of the tempos were up beat and jubilant. The song seems to be a hymn, maybe something played at a festival, parade or even in church.

When I heard this song, I immediately pictured small children dancing around while a group of a few people played this song for them.

I chose a piece of music, because I love music, and I feel it speaks to people often easier than a poem or a story; I enjoy all types of music. This piece made me smile, it made me picture our early Californians dancing around, enjoying life.

I would love to see some clips of people some two-hundred years ago enjoying themselves while listening to this folk music. It is always a pleasure to see people having a good time. I am also curious to know, whom the creators of music were back then? Did everyone create music, was it just men? Finally I would be curious to learn more about what the people of the mission did to enjoy themselves, even though it seems music was one of the many things.

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