Sunday, March 22, 2009

3B Maya People

The above link will take you to a youtube video of a person drawing a freestyle Mayan warrior. I thought the video was very unique, in the fact that you were able to see the piece of art work come alive, as well as discover how this person was able to draw such an object.

I found this video on youtube. I wanted to find something unique but different when it came to Mayan art. Everyone is use to seeing the same old style of Mayan art, this video gives peeople a different perspective on the Mayans.

The artist in the video is using a basic expo pen to do his art, which in my eyes was very interesting. The art work is of an authentic Mayan Warrior. I am eager to know where this person learned how to draw something so unique with such a basic tool.

Reading and watching videos on these Mayan people has really opened my eyes to the study of other cultures.

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