Thursday, March 26, 2009


In one of Matthew's first comments, he mentioned Freire's passion for teaching those who were not educated. I could not imagine living a life not being educated, not being to read nor write. I don't think people realize how profound the ability to read and write is. To be able to read a simple sign or vote in an election. What Freire did for many many people is profound in my book. He opened up doors for so many people; giving them another chance at life, and the ability to achieve something.

In the second part of Matthew's second half of his comments, it was also mentioned how humble Freire was. I think it is more than important to have lived and struggled a little; to better understand the lives of those who you are trying to touch. Freire was an extremely humble individual who learned early on what it meant to be homeless and without a lot. I think living a hard life, makes one strong.

Studying Freire has helped me tremendously. It has allowed me to better connect to the world of Latin America, and everything that region of our world brings to the table. It is always educational to look at a regions past before you attempt to understand their furute. We are always taught about the great people of our nation; however, I think it is just as important to focus on their influential people of other great areas.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

3B Maya People

The above link will take you to a youtube video of a person drawing a freestyle Mayan warrior. I thought the video was very unique, in the fact that you were able to see the piece of art work come alive, as well as discover how this person was able to draw such an object.

I found this video on youtube. I wanted to find something unique but different when it came to Mayan art. Everyone is use to seeing the same old style of Mayan art, this video gives peeople a different perspective on the Mayans.

The artist in the video is using a basic expo pen to do his art, which in my eyes was very interesting. The art work is of an authentic Mayan Warrior. I am eager to know where this person learned how to draw something so unique with such a basic tool.

Reading and watching videos on these Mayan people has really opened my eyes to the study of other cultures.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


1. During approximately 10,000 BC, hunter-gather type societies still existed, where we now call present-day Bogotá. Bogota, which traded with one another and with cultures living in the Magdalena River Valley. Beginning in the first millennium BC, groups of American Indians developed the political system of "Cacicazgos" with a pyramidal structure of power headed by Cacigues. Within Colombia, the two cultures with the most complex Cacicazgo systems were the Tayronas in the Caribbean River, and the Muiscas in the highlands around Bogotá. Both of these of which were of the Chibcha language family. The Muisca people are considered to have had one of the most developed political systems in South America, after the Incas.

I chose to look at the Maya people. I have always wanted to learn more about them, but never had the opportunity or reason to. In order to learn more about these great people, I used the link for the YouTube video. The video was extremely informative, giving the viewer very detailed information about that Maya people.

The maya people, were people of art. Their temples soared hundreds of feet into the air, reaching the heavens. The Maya were able to develop a unique system called hieroglyphic writing. Works of at and sculptures allowed others to understand the Maya's unique sense of style. The Maya's took their unique style to Mexico City where they have built this great city.

The Maya's took the name for the great city they created in Mexico City, from it's only source of water, a well. The Spanish mentioned that live victims were thrown into the sacred cell as a sacrifice to their rain god, who lived in the depths of the well.

The Maya also built a circular building, believed to be an observatory. By carefully watching the starts the Maya's were also able to develop a 365 day calendar and could even predict solar eclipses. El Castillo was built by the Spanish people. the 79 foot pyramid has 365 steps, the same amount of days in a solar year. It guards a testament to the Maya's skill at math and astronomy. Twice a year during the day of the Spring and Autumn equinox, a shadow falls on El Castillo, in the shape of a serpent, until it lines up with the head of El Castillo.

I obtained all of my information from the YouTube link. I believe the cite to be creditable because all the information has proper video to go with it, and were facts that I have all heard before.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Assignment 2C Art Answers

From Mariane's posting:

1.When did the museum open? November 1996

3. Who is the production company for this clip? Ziggy productions

From Christina's page:
1. Where is the MoLAA museum located and in the western part of the United States are there more museums dedicated to the Latin American culture? In the East Village district of Long Beach California. This is the only museum dedicated to Latin American Culture.

2. Who was the founder of MoLAA and when was it founded? The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) in Long Beach, California was founded by Dr. Robert Gumbiner in November 1996.

3.What is the art work in MoLAA about? The culture, life and embodiment of Latin American.